I don't want to claim that there will be no more PowderAlerts from mid-March and that the touring season will be completely over, or rather I certainly hope not. But as we start to think about multi-day tours, it's worth taking a deeper look into the hidden corners of the backpack. This is where you'll find a kind of touring toolkit, at least in my case.
I gave up taking a whole toolbox, drill and spare skis with me on a tour because the stopper always scratched my back and the drills were too long for the backpack. No, not quite like that after all. But over the years and the various tours, I have built up a wealth of experience that can be found in my current touring kit. As I said, the ideas are individual and one component may be more important for one person than for another. Ultimately, it is always a question of weight and personal preference/experience. In the following, I present a brief portrait of the individual components and their field of action. As always, suggestions, preferences and discussions are very welcome.