It is generally advisable to keep the software and firmware of your own avalanche transceiver up to date and to carry out updates offered by the manufacturer. With Mammut Barryvox devices, the current firmware version appears at the bottom right of the display when the device is switched on. Mammut updates can be carried out at Service or Avalanche Safety Centers (=selected sports stores). If you have a device that already has the new firmware, for example because a friend has already taken it to a service center, you can also use this device to update other devices yourself.
According to the manufacturer, the new version of BarryHeart offers the following new features:
Alternative search mode (Barryvox S):
Improved sound quality and optimized resolution of the amplifier stages for reliable differentiation of the avalanche transceivers in the analogue "sound check". The alternative search mode shows the distance and direction to the avalanche transceiver with the strongest signal and reproduces the analog search tone. It is mainly used when it is no longer possible to reliably distinguish between several buried victims in standard mode. Counting the number of different tone sequences gives the number of buried victims and forms the basis of the analog "sound check".