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Net find of the week 08 KW 52 | Net journalism - state of the art

Modern online journalism

by Marius Schwager 12/27/2012
As we all know, there is a lot of nonsense on the internet. But among all the data traffic caused by YouTube, Youporn and the like, there are always small peculiarities. Ephemeral in form and much smaller in number than the general data garbage, they shine in the vastness of the net and also radiate beyond it into the real world. A special treat from the venerable New York Times highlights an avalanche accident in the Washington Cascades in which well-known freeriders were also involved.

A lot of nonsense can be found on the internet. But among all the data traffic caused by YouTube, Youporn and the like, there are always small peculiarities. Ephemeral in form and much smaller in number than the general data garbage, they shine in the vastness of the net and also radiate beyond it into the real world. A special treat from the venerable New York Times highlights an avalanche accident in the Washington Cascades, in which well-known freeriders were also involved. The particularly well-researched article "Snow Fall - The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek" shows that there is still room for high-quality journalism in the pseudo-cool ski business. What's more, the article is state of the art in terms of web design. Despite its extremely serious topic, the find of the week impresses with its multimedia design and intuitive operation, thanks in part to the slicing technique like no (snow sports) article we know of before. To the article "Snow Fall - The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek" (John Branch)

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