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PartnerNews | Engelberg - Who is Snowflake?

The elevation gain millionaire and his path to happiness

by PowderGuide 10/11/2023
What is the great joy of skiing? Every person would answer this question differently, but we all share the joy of skiing. One person is particularly good at sharing his joy with others. Henry, known as the legend "Snowflake" from Engelberg, takes us with him this season and shows us his winter world.

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Snowflake, like the annual snow, is a part of Engelberg. Even back then, he was found more on the mountain than in the valley during winter. At some point, the piste patrol started doing evening patrols to remind lost skiers that it was time to head for the valley. He then started to disguise himself in white so that he could stay up there a little longer and have the mountain to himself. His snow-white suit is his trademark.

But who is Snowflake actually? His name is Henry, and his tireless pursuit of more runs and his cheerfulness make him an Engelberg legend. At the proud age of 77, he is at the top of the Ski Days rankings. He is known for his euphoria, good humour and for being a bit crazy. His passion and enthusiasm for winter sports are infectious and over the next few weeks and months he will be giving us insights into his life on skis and his path to happiness in five episodes. And he doesn't just ski on the slopes, he also likes to go off-piste. His motto is "Don't worry - ski more - be happy".

He will also reveal more about his life in an interview. "Snowflake" stands out from other freeriders in his manner and lifestyle. We are looking forward to sharing the interviews and insights of the Engelberg legend with you soon!

If you want to find out more about the elevation gain millionaire right now, take a look here.

Höhenmeter Millionär - Wer ist Snowflake?
Höhenmeter Millionär - DAS ist Snowflake
Way to happiness - Freeride Paradise Engelberg
Höhenmeter Millionär - Frohe Weihnachten und gutes neues Jahr

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Show original (German)
