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PowderGuide start of the 2018/19 season

The groundhog greets you every year

by PowderGuide 11/01/2018
The days are getting shorter, the glaciers are opening ice slopes, autumnal cold fronts bring anticipation and chaos in equal measure and we are "officially" back from our summer slumber.

The new winter hasn't quite arrived yet, but it's getting closer. At PG, the wait for the still very young season has already been taken into account with the annual wave of film tours and pre-season movie stokes and now the first proper cold front is telling us that things are really starting to get going. So first and foremost, it's off with long lift queues, dubious fun in closed ski areas on more or less stone-free meadow slopes and a certain discrepancy between the actual snow conditions and the hype surrounding them. But since winter is not least a matter of the mind, we won't take it too seriously and look forward to the first snow days of 2018/19.

The PowderGuide weather service will start in mid-November with the usual products, including SNOWGRID maps. The WeatherBlog will then also report back every Wednesday and the PowderAlert will alert you as soon as it makes sense to use the alarm snow on a sliding basis. Please note: The PowderGuide snowflurry game is also entering a new round in 2018/19!

The SnowFlurry will report on snowflurries as soon as there is something to snowflurry about and has promised that there will be theoretical and scientific snowflurries from time to time until then.

Conditions Reporters wanted

The CRs are a central part of PowderGuide and we are very happy about the community of CRs that has developed over time and continues to grow. The end of season get-togethers are always a special highlight!

We are already quite a few, but there could be many more! New members are always welcome, especially from the currently less well-covered western and southern Alps, but of course also from other areas. If you feel called to contribute to the PG ConditionsReport, you should have the following:

  • Sufficient freeride and snow experience to write the reports (terms like "wind sign" or "exposure" should not be foreign words to you).

  • 10-20 minutes of your time to write a short report with some meaningful photos whenever you have been freeriding or on tour.

  • Access to the PowderGuide website to write the reports. Of course there is a manual for writing the reports.

Condition reporters receive an expense allowance in the form of freeride-compatible equipment from our partner companies. If you can't do anything with equipment, e.g. because you have an exclusive sponsor, you can also agree a different form of remuneration with us. We are happy to support you with your projects (establishing contacts, media presence, etc.). At the annual end-of-season meetings, we strive not only to celebrate insane parties and powder/sulz/breakharsch days, but also to organize training and further education opportunities.

If you are interested, please contact us at: conditionsreporter (at) powderguide (dot) com

We look forward to the 2018/19 season with you!

What topics are you interested in? Do you have any requests, questions, criticism or suggestions? Let us know at: redaktion (at) powderguide (dot) com

ℹ️ is nonprofit-making, so we are glad about any support. If you like to improve our DeepL translation backend, feel free to write an email to the editors with your suggestions for better understandings. Thanks a lot in advance!

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