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Videos of the Week 06 KW 49 | Provo Action

News from the Provo brothers

by Marius Schwager 12/08/2012
Not everyone, but certainly many freeriders on skis or snowboards will be familiar with the name "Provo". The North American brother and sister duo have repeatedly impressed with their remarkable freeride footage on a total of three boards. Two new videos by the two exceptional filmmakers are a wonderful addition to the collection and are a treat for every freeride adventurer.

Not everyone, but certainly many freeriders on skis or snowboards will be familiar with the name "Provo". The North American brother and sister duo have repeatedly impressed with their remarkable freeride footage on a total of three boards. Two new videos by the two exceptional filmmakers are a wonderful addition to the collection and are a treat for every freeride adventurer.

Livin' Tiny: A Quest For Powder

Steelhead and Spines - The Provo Bros

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Show original (German)
