The common denominator is: corona. Great, who would have thought? I had removed the 5G chips from my skis so that it wouldn't happen again this year!
The difference is: it doesn't start with an Instagram dump bang, but instead settles in at a leisurely pace. A snowfall here, a snowfall there and slowly, at least in parts of Switzerland, there is a base.
This snowfall was chosen as an alarm prelude because skiing should be possible on the small base there afterwards, at least in the Turin and Italian Maritime Alps. Graubünden is also (somewhat surprisingly) getting enough snow on the existing base at the moment to possibly allow the first north-facing grass tours. We have a south-easterly to easterly flow, which is not really good for classic dump regions, so you have to look for more exotic alpine meadows.
Alert period and areas
The alert goes from Monte Rosa to the Italian Maritime Alps with a core from the Turin Alps to the Mediterranean.
The period ends Wednesday.