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Day two of the final of the Mountain Mastery 2012

Powder, sharks, powder sharks and an injured organizer

by Tobias Kurzeder 03/22/2012
Great weather, great snow, great atmosphere at the Mountain Mastery 2012, which naturally takes place mainly in powder snow. However, the warm temperatures have now taken their toll on the white gold and the snow cover is often a little patchy, especially at higher altitudes. As you would expect, there are lots of small and large rocks sticking out. And these many rocks have already taken their toll?

Great weather, great snow, great atmosphere at the Mountain Mastery 2012, which of course takes place mainly in powder snow. However, the warm temperatures have now taken their toll on the white gold and the snow cover is often a little patchy, especially at higher altitudes. As you would expect, there are lots of small and large rocks sticking out. And these many rocks have already taken their toll? Mountain Mastery orga boss Knut has put himself and his demolished cruciate ligament in the care of the ligament repairers at Imst hospital. But now Marius and Tobi are doing their best to stand in for Knut as best they can and, together with the two great winning teams boarderlife and Professor Jagens & Mizzi Tant as well as guide Markus, are leveling the remaining powder.

And in terms of powder, we were also able to record some notable successes today, as even three days after the end of the snowfall, some great turns and descents were still possible. However, the other side was also able to score some direct hits: And as we all know, in a direct battle between rock and board, the harder rock almost always wins, so the gliding equipment suffered badly, which is pretty unusual in such a snowy winter. A great descent to Huben with a long, exhausting descent into the valley made this day a great overall experience, which not even the après-ski fun could seriously affect.

Some pictures from the second day of the Mountain Mastery 2012

And we continue tomorrow with the third day...

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