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Freeride tour of the week | Sattelkopf

Classic in the Montafon (Vorarlberg)

by German Wehinger 12/13/2011
This classic ski tour is also interesting for freeriders who are prepared to tackle longer ascents due to its orientation and slopes. The downhill slopes are almost entirely north-facing. This allows for unadulterated powder fun long after a snowfall. Although there are usually already some tracks, these do not interfere with the finest powder and in spring the snow stays fresh on the slope for a long time. Fine firn runs are also possible in late winter / spring, at least as long as the snow reaches Lake Vermunt.

This classic ski tour is also interesting for freeriders who are prepared to tackle longer ascents due to its orientation and slopes. The downhill slopes are almost entirely north-facing. This allows for unadulterated powder fun long after a snowfall. Although there are usually already some tracks, these do not interfere with the finest powder and in spring the snow stays fresh on the slope for a long time. Fine firn runs are also possible in late winter / spring, at least as long as the snow lasts as far as Lake Vermunt.


The tour starts in Partenen at the Vermutbahn cable car on the Trominier, from where you take the tunnel cab to the Obervermuntwerk at Lake Vermunt. This is a comfortable way to conquer the first 700m. Now it's time to put on your skins and the ascent of approx. 1,100 m can begin. The first intermediate destination is the dilapidated customs house at approx. 2,220 m. From here you can already see the destination and the downhill slope on the left. We continue past the Saarbrücker Hütte, which we leave to the left. After approx. 1000m we reach the Litzner Sattel at approx. 2,737m. Up here you can enjoy the fantastic view of the Silvretta before continuing on to today's destination. After a little refreshment, the skis with skins must now be attached to the backpack and the ascent to the Sattelkopf can begin. Depending on the conditions, you walk on stones or snow. If you are lucky, there is already a well-trodden trail. Once at the top, you know why the skins have not yet been removed. A short ascent follows to reach the maximum descent height below the Verhupfspitze. Now you can enjoy a well-earned break with a view of the surrounding mountains. After a refreshment, you're ready to go.


The upper section runs over a flat glacier and offers plenty of space for long freeride turns before the very steep gully (approx. 40°) begins. Once you have negotiated this, the route continues up to approx. 2,350 m. Now you have to keep to the right, the further down you go, the higher the counter ascent, which is easy to manage on skis. It should be about 30 meters in altitude if you cross optimally. This ascent is definitely worthwhile, as it is the only way to reach the open slopes on the shaded side down to Kromer Bach. Do not descend any further, as this is the crossing point. There is no possibility to cross the stream further down! Now follow the ascent track to the starting point. Then take the tunnel cab and Vermuntbahn cable car back to Partenen.


Difficulty (5-level scale): **
Special dangers: Ascent to the saddle requires surefootedness, descent over glacier
Average gradient/maximum gradient: 25°/ 40°
Exposure: N-NW
Altitude difference start and finish: 1.753 m | 2,830 m
Altitude difference uphill and downhill: 1,100 m | 1,100 m
Duration: 5 hours
Best time of year: February - May

Accommodation: Saarbrücker Hütte, winter room
Addresses:Vermuntbahn, 0043 5226 8141, +43 (0)5556 701 85231, Montafon Tourismus, +43 (0)5556 722530
How to get there: A14 Bludenz, Montafon exit, Partenen Vermuntbahn
Topographical maps: OeAV map, no. 26, Silvretta group
Book tip: The most beautiful ski tours in Vorarlberg, Mayrhofer 2004, loewenzahn

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