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Freeride tour of the week | Schoppernau circuit

From Kleinwalsertal to the Bregenzerwald and back again

02/21/2016 by C. N.
The popular touring area at the end of the Kleinwalsertal is the ideal starting point for small and large ski tours. In north-facing snowstorms, impressive masses of snow reliably pile up here, making long tours possible. Here we have described a tour that takes you from Kleinwalsertal to the Bregenzerwald and then back to Kleinwalsertal via Warth.

The popular touring area at the end of Kleinwalsertal is the ideal starting point for small and large ski tours. In north-facing snowstorms, impressive masses of snow reliably pile up here, making long tours possible. Here we have described a tour that takes you from Kleinwalsertal to the Bregenzerwald and then back to Kleinwalsertal via Warth.

Ascent 1

This physically demanding tour should be started early from the (paid) parking lot in Baad (as of early 2016: 3 euros for one day) so as not to be surprised by the daytime warming on the south-facing second ascent from Warth. Good timing avoids long waits for the bus in Schoppernau.

From the parking lot in Baad, walk a few meters into the valley on the cross-country ski trail, cross the Breitach on the second bridge and walk along the Derrenbach stream into the valley. Now climb northwards along the striking ridge to the Derrenalpe and from there up to the Güntlespitze. Walk along the narrow ridge towards Häfner Joch.

Descent 1

From here, ski downhill across the wide slopes towards Häfen. From here you have two options: Either you ski to the right of the striking stream roughly along the summer trail to the Pisialpe (no joke!) and from here on the forest trail towards Schoppernau. Or you can cross the stream at a suitable point in a westerly direction to reach ideally inclined north-facing slopes, but later have to cross the stream again and climb a few meters in altitude to reach the forest trail. The forest trail leads to the eastern end of Schoppernau (district of Gschwend) without any pushing passages. Please note: from around the halfway point, the trail is also used as a toboggan run!

At the Gämsle inn, you will find the bus stop for line 40a, which will take you to Warth (Hotel Adler stop) in just under half an hour for 3.80 euros. Make sure you check the departure times in advance (e.g. ÖBB Scotty app or via the direct link)

Ascent 2

At the Hochtannbergpass, you start again at the Hotel Adler and ascend towards Höferspitze. Caution: Trails often lead in the direction of Widdersteinhütte and on some maps it looks as if you could descend from there in the direction of Mittelberg in Kleinwalsertal. However, a descent via the marked, densely overgrown steep section is hardly possible and, depending on the snow conditions and consistency, anything but fun. The ascent from the Hochtannberg Pass directly to the Hochalp Pass through the cirque below the Widderstein is also not advisable due to the deep ditches. You should therefore definitely opt for the ascent towards Höferspitze.

Departure 2

From the Höferspitze ridge, you can reach the Hochalp Pass or head straight to the Bärgunthütte (popular excursion destination and also open in winter) for a well-earned beer after work. On the way there, there are still two steep steps to overcome. From the Bürgunthütte, take the road back to the parking lot in Baad. Please observe the skiing ban on the road to the west and follow the signs for ski tourers to avoid problems with day-trippers.

If you still haven't had enough, you can climb up to Karlstor and either enjoy the wide slope along the ascent trail or descend eastwards towards Gämstelbach. You can then head out of the valley to Mittelberg and from here return to Baad via the cross-country ski trail in around 20 minutes.


Of course, you can also choose a different starting point for the tour. Before tackling the tour, you should make sure that the skins will stick reliably a second time (if necessary, use adhesive tape for everyone to at least temporarily fix any skins that go on strike), otherwise you may not be able to make it back. In spring, you should keep an eye on the daily warming and, above all, the conditions on the southern slope above the Hochtannberg Pass.

Important: Don't forget the money for the bus!


Difficulty: ***
Average steepness/maximum steepness: Up to a maximum of 35 degrees on the ascent/downhill to a maximum of 40 degrees - depending on the line chosen.
Exposure: all
Altitude metres uphill and downhill: Depending on the ascent variant at least 1,200m, with Karlstor over 2,000m
Duration: Full-day tour, duration depends on timing
Best time of year: January-April
Directions: From Kempten on the B19 via Oberstdorf to Kleinwalsertal. Baad is at the end of the valley
Topographical maps:Alpenvereinskarte BY2 Kleinwalsertal - Hoher Ifen hiking map 1:25,000

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