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videos of the week

Videos of the Week 16 KW 08 | Across the quality spectrum

A cauldron of color, once again...

by Knut Pohl • 02/21/2013
This time, the Videos of the Week go through everything worth seeing. But see for yourself...

The occasional cauldron of color is a good old tradition in the Videos of the Week. But the following films, which are really worth seeing without exception, show that this is anything but a necessity. Whether it's a ski trip through the Andes, chaos in Revelstoke, pure soul turned into video or unique, powerful images from the Antarctic or slopes destroyed by forest fires - they are all true masterpieces.

Bjarne Salén | The Andes Ski Adventure

Filmmaker Bjarne Salén accompanies his friend and steep face skier Andreas Franson on a trip through the Andes and up some of the most striking and wildest mountains in this mighty mountain range. A documentary with fascinating insights.

Bomb Snow Magazine | Bomb Snow TV: Episode Two "Revelstuck"

The absolute opposite of the previous movie. Be sure to watch in this order and enjoy the culture shock. Sick BC action from true party animals.

Soul Side Project | GHOST & SOUND

And 180° back again! Similar terrain, completely different approach. The films of the Soul Side Project are freeride daydreams turned into images. That's why there's also "two in a row"

Salomon Freeski TV | The Burn

Episode 10 ind of the sixth season of Salomon Freeski TV is probably the most visually stunning ever shown in this format. Fresh snowfall after a forest fire, glowing trees, charred black branches. And drawing lines in the middle of it all. Unique and absolutely powerful!

Time Line Films | Mission Antarctic Ep1

Guido Perrini, Xavier de Le Rue's in-house filmmaker, accompanied the master of the board on the North Face/Swatch expedition to the southern polar cap of our home planet. Equipped with only a small sailing ship, the crew set off to rip some of the steepest lines on our planet. The teaser for the movie in the fall.

Time Line Films | White Noise

And because we don't want to say goodbye to you with a teaser, here is Guido Perrini's last year's masterpiece about a season together with Xavier de Le Rue.

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