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WeatherBlog 7 2019/20 | Prosit 2020

Time is running out, the spider is spinning

01/01/2020 • by Lea Hartl
The new year begins as the old one ends: lots of sunshine, mild temperatures at high altitudes, cold in the valleys due to inversions and nocturnal radiation into the mostly starry sky. The flow will remain west to southwest and there is no significant precipitation in sight for the time being.

A strong, more or less intact polar vortex ensures a tight westerly drift with only slight troughs in the Atlantic. However, the frontal zone runs relatively far north and is currently over Scandinavia, while we are under the influence of the Azores High, which has advanced into Central Europe.

On Thursday, it will be particularly warm with a light föhn wind before it slowly gets cooler again on Friday. The next disturbance, which may manage to cloud the sunshine more significantly, is expected to arrive on Saturday. The current will then switch back to north-westerly directions and there will be some fresh snow in the northern Alps - this time mainly in the east from today's perspective. In the western Alps and the south, it will remain largely sunny, albeit colder than recently.

This WeatherBlog was created due to internet-free New Year's Eve activities on Monday evening and there are now newer weather maps, but as the tendency of the current weather situation to persist is very high, we dare to say that nothing too significant will change until the weekend, otherwise there will be an update.

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As long as the sunny phase lasts, the inversion will remain in the valleys, along with bad air from holidaymakers and truck traffic, whose exhaust fumes are trapped near the ground by the stable stratification.

And otherwise?

Well, the turn of the year. Looking back, looking ahead, good and well-intentioned resolutions. As far as the outlook is concerned, we think this one from the DWD for the coming weather year is very successful (forecasts also apply to Austria and Switzerland). The reviews differ in details, but the core message is once again: It was pretty warm. In Switzerland, 2019 was the fifth-warmest year since measurements began in 1864. The five warmest years in the measurement series all fell in the last decade. In Austria, 2019 was the third warmest year since measurements began in 1768. The 15 warmest years in recorded history (HISTALP lowlands data set) are: 2018, 2014, 2019, 2015, 1994, 2007, 2016, 2000, 2002, 2008, 2017, 2011, 2012, 2009, 1822.

The WeatherBlog is not making any good resolutions now. If there are, then there are good intentions at the beginning of winter (enjoy time on the mountain, don't mess up, visit friends who live on other mountains), because that is somehow much more important in the personal course of the year than the first of January. In the absence of any profound ideas of our own for the new year, we will end today with New Year's Eve poems by Ringelnatz and wish all our readers a Happy New Year.

The fact that the new year is about to begin

I don't feel it in the slightest.

I only notice: time is passing

Just as it does at Pentecost,

just as it does a thousand times a year.

But people want grip and data.

I hear stirring, drunkenness, scandal,

I dine on roast hare.


Time is running out.

The spider spins

In secret webs.

When a year begins tonight,

A new life begins.

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