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WeatherBlog for Freeriders 15/2011 | Complaints on World Meteorology Day

WeatherBlog for freeriders 15/2011

by Lea Hartl 03/24/2011
Monday of this week, March 21, was Poetry Day, proclaimed by the UN. Tuesday was World Water Day and Thursday is World Tuberculosis Day and the "International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims". Between water and tuberculosis and the right to truth lies World Meteorology Day, which took place on Wednesday, March 23. The day has a specific theme every year, and this year's is "Climate for you". I think that's great, so I'm going to write to the WMO and make a few requests. If there is already a "climate for us", it should also be useful.

Monday of this week, March 21, was Poetry Day, proclaimed by the UN. Tuesday was World Water Day and Thursday is World Tuberculosis Day as well as the "International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims". Between water and tuberculosis and the right to the truth lies World Meteorology Day, which took place on Wednesday, March 23. The day has a specific theme each year, and this year's is "Climate for you". I think that's great, so I'm going to write to the WMO and make a few requests. If there is already "Climate for us", it should also be useful.

Yvan: Please don't be so stormy!

The weather is not the same as the climate and I don't know how much can be done about it, but I do have a few suggestions for improvement. For example, low pressure system Yvan, known from last week: Yvan delivered good precipitation, not too scarce and relatively widespread, but did it really have to be so windy? Sheltered spots were quite good, but on the whole we had to contend with tricky avalanche conditions and wind chills. Yvan needed to work on that.

Increasingly mild high-pressure weather

Since World Poetry Day, sunny, high-pressure weather has prevailed almost everywhere in the Alps. Bright days and clear nights make for quite acceptable conditions. In some places there is already firn, in others you can still find powder. I agree with this in principle, but the increasingly mild temperatures should be deleted. Zero degree limits at 3000 meters are not conducive to the general situation and should be abolished.

Further development - wishes and suggestions

As far as further development is concerned, I have the following comments. The approach is basically good. An advance of cold air from the frosty north will push our high aside just in time for the weekend. My suggestion now would be not to let this good idea go to waste, but to really implement it with full conviction, always with confidence! Nobody really needs the hesitant variants where the cold air comes too far north and only touches the Alps. If it warms up again at the beginning of next week and continues relatively "April-like", fine by me. Maybe we could agree on a compromise? On Bangladesh's National Day (Saturday) and World Theater Day (Sunday), a load of snow in the north, but less precipitation in the south? I could live with that.

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