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The PG avalanche risk checklist

The avalanche risk checklist

by Tobias Kurzeder 10/08/2008
Developed by PowderGuide in cooperation with the Tyrol Avalanche Warning Service. Made possible by the support of our partners. Print run: 500,000 copies, available free of charge in sports stores and many winter sports resorts. The avalanche risk checklist is currently out of print!

Developed by PowderGuide in cooperation with the Tyrol Avalanche Warning Service. Made possible by the support of our partners. Edition: 500,000 copies, available free of charge in sports stores and many winter sports resorts. The avalanche risk checklist is currently out of print!

Fundamentals of the avalanche risk checklist

The avalanche risk checklist provides basic information about the risk of avalanches away from secured pistes. The avalanche checklist can and should therefore only be an introduction to the complex subject of snow, avalanches and risk checks. The avalanche risk checklist does not replace avalanche camps or seminars or specialist and non-fiction books.

Attention: the avalanche risk checklist is no longer available - until a new edition is published!

Here you can download the latest avalanche risk checklist

This article has been automatically translated by DeepL with subsequent editing. If you notice any spelling or grammatical errors or if the translation has lost its meaning, please write an e-mail to the editors.

Show original (German)
