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Download tip: Season report of the Austrian LWDs

The 5th seasonal report of the Austrian avalanche warning services can be downloaded free of charge

by Tobias Kurzeder 12/27/2014
In early winter 2014 (or late fall this year), I received a printed edition of the Austrian avalanche warning services' seasonal report for the fifth time. Anyone who thinks that it contains almost exclusively snow profiles and accident analyses is mistaken. In addition to the aforementioned analyses of all avalanche accidents with fatal consequences in Austria, the 230-page, large-format, richly illustrated work contains an impressively and profoundly prepared and illustrated chronology of the memorable winter of 2013/2014.

Winter review

Very little snow in the north and a record-breaking amount of snow in the south - that was the unfair distribution of the white gold last winter. As a result, there were hardly any fatal avalanche accidents in the south due to bad weather and a thick, resilient snow cover. In the north, on the other hand, despite the unattractive snow conditions for much of the winter, a relatively large number of winter sports enthusiasts suffered fatal accidents (albeit below the long-term average): this is not due to the thin and therefore more unstable snow cover, but can also be explained by many entanglement and fall accidents.

Contents of the seasonal report

In addition to the weather and accident situation, the winter report includes a 10 to 40-page article by the respective avalanche warning services of the Austrian federal provinces at the end of the report under the heading General and some very interesting current articles on new and current developments in avalanche risk forecasting and prediction.

An article worth reading about the more than exciting weather conditions during the record-breaking winter of 2013/14 in South Tyrol (which, as you know, is no longer part of Austria) rounds off this interesting and readable winter report.

You can download the annual report free of charge here...

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