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From Everest to the Atacama – Adventure tours by mountain bike

Adventure trips by bike – the illustrated book by the PG crew [book no longer available!]

by Tobias Kurzeder 12/02/2008
In recent years, we have been on the road again and again on our mountain bikes. Not only in the European Alps, but also in the Himalayas, Bolivia, Cambodia, Kenya, Lebanon, Iran and many other places. We've experienced a lot along the way: we've ridden magnificent trails, seen impressive landscapes, got to know foreign cultures, literally sunk into the mud, almost been eaten by leeches and, and, and? Now the time has come: our book "From Everest to Atacama", a photographic account of the best adventure tours, is available in stores.

In recent years, we have been on the road again and again by mountain bike. Not only in the European Alps, but also in the Himalayas, Bolivia, Cambodia, Kenya, Lebanon, Iran and many other places. We've experienced a lot: we've ridden magnificent trails, seen impressive landscapes, got to know foreign cultures, literally sunk into the mud, almost been eaten by leeches and, and, and? Now the time has come: our book "From Everest to the Atacama", which captures the best adventure tours in photographs, is available in stores.

Bas book is completely out of print and only available in antiquarian bookshops!

Bolivia & Chile: desert, giant volcanoes, glaciers, jungle and llamas

Here we have realized the dream of every downhill freak: the descent from the over 5000 m high glacier region of the High Andes, through the Atacama Desert to Chile on the Pacific Ocean. You can read about the two-day downhill, the llamas and minefields, and the coca leaves in the Atacama Desert from page 8 onwards...

Biking in the business metropolis? Hong Kong makes it possible!

The former British crown colony of Hong Kong is not only a vibrant Chinese metropolis with a European flavor... it also offers fantastic bike trails for all abilities, especially in the immediate vicinity. Bikers will find perfect playgrounds in and around Hong Kong! If you haven't been to Hong Kong yet, whether for partying, shopping or biking, you'll know what you've missed as soon as you open page 137...

On the axis of... mountain biking in Iran

Hardly any other country is currently as demonized as the rising power in the Persian Gulf. This naturally arouses curiosity. But what may be true of the government is not true of Iran: overwhelming hospitality, indescribable parties, incredible bike descents in an unimaginable panorama between the mountains and the big city... And because Iran is so difficult to describe, we naturally captured this trip in photographs. We didn't find the Axis of Evil, but we did find one of the best bike adventures in the world. The Axis adventure starts on page 120...

Icy cold in Africa - biking on Mount Kenya

Mount Kenya, which is almost 5200 m high, is the second highest mountain in Africa and it has it all. On this bike adventure, we experienced all extremes in a short space of time: sweltering heat and freezing cold, lashing rain, snow and glaciers, nasty infections and dreamlike landscapes... Obscene wealth and terrible poverty, slums and fantastic animal sightings in the Serengeti. None of our trips were more contrasting. And the 3000-metre descent made up for all the exertions...

Hospitality instead of bombs - by bike through Lebanon

Were they really only on the road in international trouble spots, some readers might think? It wasn't quite like that, because when we traveled through Lebanon by bike, everything looked like a better future. The civil war had just ended and the tiny multicultural country was about to shine again in new splendor. On this trip, we got to know the Middle East at its very best: we partied with the big city youth in Beirut, experienced unimaginable hospitality and were welcomed with open arms everywhere we went. The people, landscape and trails are top class anyway. You can find out that Lebanon has more to offer than Hezbollah and co. from page 96...

Tibet: By tike to Mount Everest Base Camp

Climbing Mount Everest was out of the question: too high, too expensive, too dangerous. But we wanted to see it. That's why we grabbed our bikes and jetted off to Kathmandu and from there to Mount Everest in Tibet. The altitude really wore us out on the bikes. And when huge amounts of fresh snow fell overnight, we were told: snowed in on Mount Everest! You can read why we owe so much to the yaks from page 38...

From Everest to the Atacama - extreme tours by mountain bike

Published by Holger Feist

Texts: Holger Feist, Tobias Kurzeder, Jan Sallawitz

Photos: Stefan Neuhauser, Thorsten Indra, Stefan Hunziker, Stefan Eisend

160 pages, 197 color photos, 9 b/w photos, format 22 x 28 cm, hardcover with dust jacket

Price: Euro (D) 26,00 Euro (A) 26,80 / sFr 45,60

(ISBN 978-3-7688-1819-3)

Delius Klasing Verlag, Bielefeld

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Show original (German)
