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PartnerNews | Mammut Barryvox device-to-device update

New functions for Mammut avalanche transceivers

by Lorenzo Rieg 03/04/2019
In the past, avalanche transceivers had a relatively simple design. You could switch them on and off and switch from transmit to search mode. At some point, the marking function was added and numerous other functions have since been introduced. No wonder, when you think about the fact that a standard smartphone now probably has more computing power than a mainframe computer in the 1990s.

This also includes the option of updating the devices (we already tested the Barryvox S a year ago) to the latest software version. These updates are not usually security-related, as the devices are of course already tested with the first software version and work well. Rather, it is often about "nice-to-have" improvements, for example in the menu navigation, the display, the sounds or the battery level indicator. However, as avalanche transceivers are, of course, safety-relevant equipment, an update by the user is not actually intended. You either have to send the device in, which is of course rather inconvenient in winter, or have it updated by a specialist dealer with the appropriate equipment. However, this is not only inconvenient, as there is by no means a dealer with the possibility of updating everywhere, but often also involves not exactly low costs.

Mammut provides a remedy and offers the possibility of a device-to-device update for current avalanche transceivers from software version 3.0. A device with the new software version is still required here, but you can then simply use it to update other devices.

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To do this, select the corresponding function in the menu for the device with the new software version and the device will then guide you through the update process. The device to be updated must then be set from "Off" directly to "Search" while holding down the red "mark" button. Then press and hold the button for approx. 2 seconds before releasing it and starting the update. However, the following points are important:

1. the update process needs quite a lot of juice, so both devices must still have reasonably full batteries. Mammut specifies at least 30% here, but I would be cautious and would rather recommend fuller batteries.

2. Several devices must not be updated at once, there should not even be another device switched on in the same room. The update does take a little longer, you should definitely do it in peace and quiet at home and not quickly in the morning before a day of skiing in the parking lot...


In addition to being able to update other devices with the new software version, some functions have also been improved or added. The removal of the display in the group check is intended to facilitate the clear assignment of all avalanche transceivers in the group, while the "Pro-Check" tests the functionality of other avalanche transceivers (such as deviations in frequency).

Overall, the option of updating the devices themselves is welcome and will certainly contribute to a wider distribution of the new software version.

The Mammut page with information on the update can be found here, the general page with information on the Barryvox here. Of course, the device is also available from our partner store

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