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gear of the week

Gear of the week | Gipfelburger

Hot hunger in the snowFlurry

by Steffen Kruse 02/25/2017
Who hasn't sat on a mountain top and dreamed of a delicious burger?

Nobody? Then it's high time not only to dream about it, but also to turn these dreams into reality! First of all, I'm not talking about those creations from the deep abysses of the Schachtelwirt (...the ones with the golden M) and co, but about perfectly shaped, lovingly handmade burger buns with the best ingredients.

The idea of taking this energy supplier up the mountain came to us because we had simply meant too well with the burger production the evening before and, despite the increased stretching of the stomach circumference, were unable to eat all the works of art. This made my anticipation all the greater in the morning when I reached the summit, virtually after my work was done, to bite into a burger again. When the weather is nice, it's simply wonderful to linger on the summit, let your eyes glide over the mountain peaks and enjoy a hearty snack. Even if I'm more classically inclined, experiments are allowed. This summit burger experience was definitely worth it and will certainly be repeated.

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Special tip:
I recommend baking the buns yourself, making the "Bulette" from organic meat and trying beetroot as a side dish alongside the usual suspects (salad, cucumber, onion....) and try beet as a side dish

Next project:
Read more about grilling sausages on the "Wursthorn" (Wuosthorn)

I didn't think about any calories at all with this GOTW, or wonder whether a dried-out piece of bread would be better in combination with a prune. What I did realize, however, is that a burger like this tastes damn tasty and makes you happy.

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