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Gear of the Week | Yes - Clark Snowboards

Board for self-shaping

by Baschi Bender 02/04/2017
Who hasn't always wanted to shape their own board? Your own pro model, so to speak! Exactly the shape you've always wanted for your board? The CLARK from YES Snowboards makes it possible! All you need is an idea and a jigsaw!

The CLARK comes as a rectangle with a length of 157 cm and a width of 32.5 cm. It has a full-length Poplar wood core, a real ski base and a rockered nose and tail. You can then ride the board as a "noboard" (without bindings) or screw a snowboard binding onto it (inserts are available).

Now it's up to you to come up with a shape.... Cool, I thought when I had the board in my hands. However, it's not that easy, even if you have all the options! Think up a shape, print out a template, draw it, saw it out, sand it... Thinking up the shape took the longest, of course you can spend hours doing that... Everything else was done in less than two hours. Perhaps you are now asking yourself: what about the edge? Well, of course there isn't one! But who needs an edge on a powder board? No one!

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And when the snow comes - POWDERN!!! There's nothing better than riding your own board. And the lack of an edge is twice as much fun because it makes it so easy to do cutbacks. Even on the piste, the board is surprisingly easy to ride as long as it's not icy.

What great fun! I, proud as punch with my board, shredded everything for two days! Now I just have to get some pads so that I can ride my CLARK without bindings...

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