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Freeride tour of the week | Daunjoch, Stubaital

Great tour with little ascent and lots of descent in the Stubai Valley

by Lorenzo Rieg 01/03/2012
Tour from the lifts of the Stubai glacier ski area which, after a fairly short ascent, offers a long, varied descent over sun-protected and therefore often powdery slopes.

Tour from the lifts of the Stubai glacier ski area which, after a fairly short ascent, allows a long, varied descent over sun-protected and therefore often powdery slopes.


The starting point for the tour is the T-bar lifts on the Daunferner. From the valley station of the lower-lying drag lift, cross to the NW into a hollow where the skins are put on (those who like to cross and don't like to climb as much can save a few meters in altitude by crossing from the mountain station of one of the drag lifts on the Daunferner or at the Daunscharte around the mountain ridge that stretches eastwards between the Daunscharte and Daunjoch). The short ascent to the west into the Daunjoch is quickly completed, in good conditions the Hintere Daunkopf can be taken as a summit, but in terms of downhill skiing it is only moderately worthwhile, the descent here is the same as the ascent via the southern flank of the summit ascent.


On the descent from the Daunjoch, you cross briefly along the ridge that stretches from the yoke to the front Daunkopf, then descend on the remains of the Daunkopfferners (glacier), first to the west, then to the northeast. The further east you go, the steeper the terrain. In principle, you circle the Vorderer Daunkopf in the north by descending eastwards in the Glamergrube in flatter terrain, paying particular attention to some small streams very early in the season, which, although not an insurmountable obstacle, can still be unpleasant. After the Glamergrube, the terrain steepens a little before you reach the "Wilde Grube", the valley descent of the Stubai Glacier ski area, which you follow back to the valley station at the Mutterbergalm.


Difficulty (5-level scale): **
Special dangers: -
Average steepness/Maximum steepness: just under 30°/ 35°
Exposure: E / NE
Altitude difference Start and finish: approx. 2700 m | 1750 m
Altitude difference uphill and downhill: approx. 350 m | 1750 m
Duration: 3 hours
Best time of year: December - April
Addresses:Stubai Glacier, 0043 5226 8141, Tourismusverband Stubaital, +43(0)501881-0
How to get there: Via the Inntal and Brenner highways, from there to the Stubai Valley and to the very end of the glacier ski area.
Topographical maps: AV map Stubai Alps Hochstubai, 31/1 with ski markings
Other recommendations: Instead of descending into the valley via the Glamergrube, you can of course also ski back down to the ski area from the Joch.

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