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videos of the week

Videos of the Week #10 2021/22 | Gaps, step-ups and kickers

All about airtime

by Sebastian Müller 02/04/2022
Since the beginning of skiing and especially freeskiing, airtime has been essential. Speeds, slopes and soft snow simply demand that you give up contact with the snow. So either special kickers are built and jumped, or natural terrain features are used: cliff drop, gap, step-up, transfer - you name it! Of course, this is fun and also scores points in the freeride contests. We hope you enjoy today's airy selection!

FWT22 - Maxime Chabloz

The rookie shoots over a gap and catapults himself to the top step of the podium. Congratulations!

Pyramid Gap

The approach track naturally gets faster and faster over time, and is not necessarily a no-brainer. Entertaining!

Kicker Building - Paddy Graham

Here's a step-by-step guide to real estate. Reminiscent of Xavier!

Mount Baker step-up

A season-ending event par excellence!


Gigi Rüf works his magic again!

The world records of the cliff drop

Jamie Pierre nosedives towards the record.

Sven Syversen misses the exit and ...


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