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videos of the week

Videos of the Week #3 2019/20 | The Empire and us!

by Sebastian Müller 12/06/2019
In recent years, I have occasionally wondered whether the ski movie format still exists at all, whether it was just that its fascination had waned due to familiarization, or whether it was just the absence of Videos of the Week? The trailers for the new season at least give us hope for longer, imperial entertainment. And here, too, we are once again granting larger productions more space and finally having our free world saved by already familiar lone fighters!

Faction Collective

Watching Sam Anthamatten take turns will never bore me, and then in JaPow! I was also surprisingly entertained by the street segment and finally the flick attempts some sort of gender balance. Super8 style celebrates the whole COLLECTIVE, cheers!


Scott Sports Empire

Ah well, Scott also builds skis, has Dane Tudor and Simon Hills, and bottomless pow, which is exactly what it's always been about! There is no such thing as too much snow! And live to ride another day! Internal battle! All the clichés you could wish for, but good too!

10 Barrel Brewing Beer Service

Makes you want beer above all else, and yes, pillows and powder too:


Professional narrators in ski videos, that's a fine line. Let's let our young Padawan narrate and ski Couloir with him!


Support arrives from a galaxy far, far away. These are true Jedi skillz and mind tricks!

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