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WeatherBlog 1 2024/25 | lee cyclone Anett dumps big time

A very early start to winter!

by Sebastian Müller 09/12/2024
A WeatherBlog sparked by the circumsrtances; the first snow is falling in the Alps, and it's falling a lot. We take a closer look. Is that enough to go powder skiing already? Or does it at least provide a stable base for future snowfalls? We also clarify the status of our current weather service and give an outlook on new developments for the winter.

Weather situation - "Vb" lee cyclone Anett

The northerly flow in the Alps over the last few days is now being followed by a leeward cyclogenesis. Low "Anett" develops in the Gulf of Genoa and moves eastwards. Due to diabatic processes (condensation, freezing) and strong baroclinicity, Anett intensifies and finally brings humid air from the Mediterranean region to the north side of the eastern Alps, and in enormous quantities. The Dinaric Alps will also be affected by heavy precipitation, as will the entire Balkans. It is fortunate that the snow line is quite low, which should greatly reduce the risk of flooding in the Alps. Nevertheless, this weather situation could be catastrophic, mudslides and flooding are to be feared and local weather warnings must be heeded.

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Rain, snow and their quantities

The initial northerly flow will only have a minor impact on the main Alpine ridge, with only around 20 cm expected at high altitudes in the western Alps. However, the SLF has issued a situation-related avalanche bulletin. From today, Thursday, the leeward cyclone "Anett" will be dumping. The models have been predicting over a metre of fresh snow for some time, with a snow line of 2000 metres and less. Today's in-situ observations (webcams) show snowfall at around 1500 metres in nearby South Tyrol. The DWD also confirms the models in its synoptic forecast, with snowfall of over one metre expected in the Eastern Alps over the next few days. Of course, there will also be a lot of rain, over 300 litres per square metre, with the maximum north of the Eastern Alps, as the path of the depression will take the precipitation around the eastern flank of the Alps. The snow line will remain stable at below 1500 metres up to and including Saturday, and will certainly drop even lower, perhaps to below 1000 metres in the potholes. Anett will waft around with a core in south-east Europe until next week and will continue to produce precipitation, but will also warm up and therefore snow less and less than it rains.

In any case, there will be a very solid base in the high Eastern Alps, which, although coming very early in the year, should already allow for some useful activities. We know how important a heavy first snowfall is for avoiding old snow problems, and I'm looking forward to conditions reports from the eastern edge of the Alps! Nevertheless, my chilli plants on my terrace are still wishing for more sunshine than rain.

PowderGuide ICON weather in winter 2024/25

The current state of our weather service is not quite complete, ICON-EU and some regions are missing. However, our new developments are in the starting blocks. For example, you have already noticed the "probe". Exact values can now be read from the map with a simple click and we now also have a "search function". New variables and regions will be available in the next release. In addition, a well-known snow depth model will make its comeback in PowderGuide and we hope to be able to implement a new development. A higher temporal resolution and meteograms are also under development.

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