Current situation and outlook
An Italian low is currently dominating the weather in the Alps. Today, Wednesday (27.12.), the low will bring strong foehn winds in the northern Alps and accumulating precipitation in the south. Our colleague Orakel has already commented on the latter in more detail.
The focus of precipitation caused by the Italian low will move more or less along the main Alpine ridge from west to east during the course of the day. The low pressure may tap into a larger trough in the north and its cold air, so it will hopefully stay colder (or at least get colder over the course of the coming night) than during the last südstau.
In the north, the Föhn is likely to break down with the arrival of a cold front during the course of this afternoon. There will then also be precipitation north of the main ridge, including snow in many valleys, at least in the course of Thursday night. The north will probably have to make do with less snow than the südstau hotspots, but at least there will be an interruption to the Christmas thaw here too and the oracle will probably report back again today on the subject of cold fronts.