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Avalanche colloquium Salzburg

Free avalanche colloquium with experts on risk minimization

by Alex Schober 01/03/2015
Every winter sports enthusiast who ventures into open terrain is faced with the decision to ski or ski down slopes that harbor an avalanche risk. As assessing the avalanche risk is a very complex matter, there are a number of different methods that are designed to do just that: Two experts and "their" methods will be presented at the avalanche colloquium in Salzburg on 15.01.2014.

Every winter sports enthusiast who ventures into open terrain is faced with the decision to ski or ski down slopes that harbor an avalanche risk. As assessing the avalanche risk is a very complex matter, there are a number of different methods that are designed to do just that: Two experts and "their" methods will be presented at the avalanche colloquium in Salzburg on 15.01.2015.

Michael Larcher: mountain and ski guide, head of the mountain sports department at the Austrian Alpine Club, developer of the "Stop or Go" strategy (together with Robert Purtscheller):

The "Stop or Go" decision-making strategy is used to structure the complex decision-making process and set clear limits. "Standard measures" provide risk-minimizing behavioural recommendations, similar to a checklist. This technique is not only suitable for beginners, as experienced skiers can set these limits higher or lower depending on their personally accepted residual risk.

Florian Schranz: mountain and ski guide, author of the book "Berg-Sein" (Being in the mountains") in which he advocates a holistic approach - analytically and emotionally.
In winter terrain, you can't explain and calculate everything logically. The connection to nature and the emotional world is increasingly being lost in our modern society. In addition to the rational approach, it is also important to allow an intuitive approach to things and use it for yourself. To develop a connection to yourself, to the group and to nature.

The avalanche colloquium will take place on 15.01.2015 from 19:00 to approx. 21:00 in the Thomas Bernhard Lecture Hall at the University of Salzburg.

Address: Unipark Nonntal, first floor; Erzabt-Klotz-Strasse 1, 5020 Salzburg.

Admission is free!

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