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ContestHappening 3 2019 | Japow at last!

Japan in the sunshine

by Tobias Huber 01/25/2019
A somewhat decimated field of riders enjoys the first FWT tour stop in Japan in excellent snow and weather conditions. Wildcard holder Travis Rice not only outdoes his snowboard colleagues on this face, Markus Eder wins the skiers' race ahead of Tanner Hall. Ari Tricomi picks up where she left off last season and Anna Orlova comes out on top in the snowboarding category.

The first stop of the Freeride World Tour (FWT) 2019 has already been history for a few days. In the heart of the Japanese Alps, the FWT circus was rewarded with very good conditions after two years of difficult weather conditions. After the Japanese FWT competition in Hakuba was canceled last year due to too much snow and bad weather, the skies were merciful this time, opening up the clouds and letting the sun shine through. The almost 50 riders were treated to fantastic freeride terrain on the 440m slope at the Big Triangle (start at 1720m above sea level), where they put in some strong performances. In contrast to many other FWT faces, the Big Triangle would probably also be a very rideable and tempting-looking face for most FWT spectators and PowderGuide readers. This makes for a high identification potential of the competition with the audience, but does not make it any easier for the riders to stand out from the others. However, standing out was absolutely necessary, preferably with a few spins around different axes to make it onto the podium in almost all categories.

Snowboard men

The snowboard legends lived up to their reputation: Travis Rice (USA) took the win in Hakuba with an enormous 720 from a natural takeoff and a backflip. "I am over the moon. These contests are a mind game when you're at the top of the start line," said Travis Rice. "I was able to do what I set out to do. (...) It's a great feeling to be part of this event." Second place went to Gigi Rüf (AUT), who had massive airs on his fluid and fast run, unfortunately undigged due to getting stuck on the takeoff, and a 360. Third-placed Davey Baird (USA) impressed the judges with a method and a 360. Thomas Feurstein was not present in Japan.

Men's skiers

Among the skiers, Markus Eder (ITA) produced an irresistible run with a stylish flatspin 360 (this trick was perfect for the obligatory Japan grab) and a transfer 360. With this flawless performance, he even outdid freeski legend Tanner Hall (USA), who impressed in his first FWT appearance with a cork 360, a crouched backflip (did he want to go for a double?) and a normal 360. Tom Peiffer (CAN) was the last starter in third place with a massive 360 and a convincing remaining run. The standard in the men's skiing was high as usual and without tricks there was nothing to be gained on this face, and unfortunately the lower part of the face didn't offer enough to stand out from the competition.

Women's snowboard

In the women's snowboarding Manuela Mandl skied an original and steep line, impressing the judges with her clean style. Mandl commented: "I didn't have much confidence on this slope before, because I like big mountains and this slope is rather playful. But it worked out well for me. Now that I have survived the event, which I considered to be my weak point, in second place, I am looking forward to the rest of the season." The defending champion from Vienna was only beaten by the Russian Anna Orlova (RUS), who shone with technical passages and several airs. Third place went to the 2017 FWT winner, Marion Haerty (FRA).

Women's skiing

Defending champion Arianna Tricomi (ITA) continues her winning streak: with a 360 and a progressive performance, she also secured victory in Hakuba. Second place went to FWT newcomer Maude Besse (SUI), who was the very last starter to tackle the steepest section of the slope in untracked conditions. Third place also went to Switzerland: Elisabeth Gerritzen (SUI) started her run with a high air and landed a second impressive jump.

The live replay of the contest is available here.

The FWT circus now travels on to Canada for the second tour stop in Kicking Horse. As mentioned in ContestHappening 2, a few riders are missing this year due to injury. In addition to the incomplete list from the previous article, it should be mentioned that Ivan Malakhov (RUS) is still recovering from his knee injury and will not be competing this year, and FWQ newcomer Hank Bilous (NZL) is also out. Rachel Croft (USA), Leo Slemmett (FRA) and Wadeck Gorak (FRA) were only absent in Japan, but should be fit again in Canada. The second stop of the tour in Kicking Horse in British Columbia, Canada, is scheduled for February 2 to 8!

The ContestHappening will be dedicated to the events that have taken place so far in the Freeride World Qualifier (FWQ) due to the waiting time for the next tour stop next week.

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