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Event tip | Alpine Forum 2021

Virtual lectures on various avalanche topics

by PowderGuide 11/11/2021
Once again this year, the Alpinforum will not take place at the Insbruck trade fair as usual, but digitally. The top-class presentations are therefore accessible to everyone with an internet connection, either as a live stream on Friday or later on YouTube.

The Alpine Forum is organized by the Austrian Board of Trustees for Alpine Safety and offers various specialist lectures on snow and avalanches every autumn, as well as some updates on relevant equipment. Due to Covid, the 2021 version is virtual again. The live stream will start on Friday (10.11.2021) at 16:00. Those who use the stream will have the opportunity to ask the speakers questions directly. For everyone else, the videos will also be available on YouTube afterwards. Here is the Alpine Forum website with links to the live stream and the individual videos.

Program Alpinforum 2021:

Stefan Beulke on criminal responsibility for (private) tours in the open ski area

Stephan Harvey with tips and know-how on the practical tour planning and knowledge platform

Ingrid Reiweger & JT Fischer on snow conditions and what the temperature does to the avalanche

18:45 OUR RISK
Ben Reuter on modern risk management in slope assessment

19:30 FORCES
Bert Prause on forces on the body and equipment during mountaineering

In addition, representatives of the sponsoring companies present new products, including the new avalanche transceivers from Ortovox and Black Diamond. The videos from last year are also still available on YouTube, including some interesting presentations, see here.

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