Goggle change!

On perfect days, a spare goggle should not be missing from your backpack. All too often on deep days, the snow hits your face or goggles. And sometimes you even end up upside down in deep snow. And the time it takes to get your wet, fogged up or even icy goggles back in shape is too valuable. Two years ago, Scott launched a goggle system on the market that allows you to quickly change your goggles in just a few simple steps - making it unnecessary to carry a spare pair of goggles with you.
Who hasn't had this happen to them? A perfect day in the snow is rapidly shortened by forgetfulness, defective equipment or carelessness... Nothing is more annoying than setting off for the valley station at lunchtime and leaving the first lines to the others. Certain items of equipment (especially gloves and ski goggles) are therefore often carried in duplicate in my backpack - cold hands and blurred vision are simply a shame when freeriding.... Recently I've only been carrying the spare lenses around with me, because with the LCG the lenses can be changed so quickly that a second pair of goggles becomes superfluous. The lenses can also be removed just as quickly in the lift and cleaned or dried with a microfiber cloth.
An additional advantage is offered by packing replacement lenses in different tints. This allows you to be perfectly prepared for uncertain weather conditions. In the morning, heavy snowflurry or powder on poorly contoured slopes. Then in the afternoon it opens up. Put your backpack on and three steps later you have the right goggles! Disadvantage: You're spoilt for choice!