First impression
I ordered the helmet in M/L because I always wear all helmets in this size with a head circumference of 58cm. M/L goes from 56cm - 59cm. The helmet sits really well on my head at first, but after an hour it was so tight on my temples that I couldn't wear it any more. So in this case I need a helmet in size XL. The larger helmet then fitted perfectly. The Grimnir makes a very high-quality impression, all the materials look very classy and are well made. However, it seemed quite heavy to me from the start, which surprised me a little, as it is a carbon helmet after all. I checked and it actually weighs 600g. Visually, it is classically understated, but as always with Sweet, it has a lot of style.
Material and safety
The Multi-Directional Impact Protection System (MIPS®) is characterized by the fact that the inner, movable layer absorbs a large part of the rotational energy in the event of a fall and thus protects the head better than helmets that only provide 100% protection in the unlikely event of a vertical impact. In addition, the Impact Shield technology of the EPS shell ensures the greatest possible absorption of the forces caused by shocks and impacts, especially in the event of falls at high speeds.
Test conditions
Rain, snow and sunshine. The helmet was worn on the piste, while freeriding and on ski tours. I took the helmet off on the ascent, otherwise it is very comfortable to wear, regardless of whether it is cold or warm.