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15 minutes with Seb Michaud | Short interview

Mountain goats & cheese fondue - A 15-minute interview with Seb Michaud

by Johanna Stöckl 03/21/2013
French freerider Sebastien "Seb" Michaud first got on skis at the age of three. After five years as a member of the French free-style team, he discovered his passion for freeriding and has since enjoyed numerous international successes. Seb Michaud is now one of the most experienced freeriders in the world. We wanted to get to know the cool Frenchman a little better in a short interview.

French freerider Seb Michaud first got on skis at the age of three. After five years as a member of the French free-style team, he discovered his passion for freeriding and has since enjoyed numerous international successes. Seb Michaud is now one of the most experienced freeriders in the world. We wanted to get to know the cool Frenchman a little better in a short interview.Johanna: You are a freeski pro, make freeride films and much more. What does an average "working day" look like for Seb Michaud? Seb: Anyone who thinks a professional freerider has nothing more to do than ski every day is wrong. In order to be able to realize projects, you have to set up a budget, i.e. the financing. To do this, you need more than just a vision, e.g. a strong presentation and a cost plan. And if you can realize your projects, a film project, a large photo reportage, then you are in the role of director, editor-in-chief and have to have the production under control. I also have to prepare myself specifically for each season through intensive training. In winter, it's time to go skiing. I travel around the world and take part in the Freeride World Tour. I think I have a great job. I can make a living from my passion. Johanna: How often have you actually taken part in the Freeride World Tour? Seb: I've been taking part in the Freeride World Tour since it started. I've been taking part in the Red Bull Snow Thrill in Chamonix since 1997. Johanna: Your best place in the overall FWT rankings?Seb: In 2008, I came second in the overall rankings. Johanna: You also organize and lead freeride camps. As a participant, what can I expect from a camp with you? Seb: The focus is on the shared experience. Of course, I also try to give people tips and teach them something, but the most important thing is that we have a really good time together in the mountains.

Johanna: Are your children already good skiers?Seb: My two kids, 2 and 11 years old, are very good skiers. But they're not doing anything crazy yet. Johanna: You're one of the veterans of the freeride scene. Does freeriding keep you young? Seb: (Laughs) At almost 40 years old, I really am an old hand. I doubt whether it keeps me physically young, but mentally for sure. Johanna: Sounds like you've had quite a few injuries too.Seb: I have indeed had quite a few, but thankfully I've been spared any really serious injuries. Johanna: Polar bear, snow leopard or yeti? Which one would you like to meet while freeriding? Seb: (Laughs) I would love to freeride with a mountain goat. The only problem is: they're so shy. Johanna:You get to have breakfast, lunch and dinner in three different places around the world. Where would you go for your culinary journey? Seb: I would have breakfast at my home in France with my two children. Lunch would preferably be somewhere in Argentina with friends at a barbecue. And then, of course, I'd have dinner with my wife on a desert island. Johanna: Which photo is your screensaver on the computer? Seb: It's not a single picture, but a slideshow. It reminds me every day of the great friends and magical places around the world I've had the pleasure of visiting. Johanna: You have to perform in a karaoke bar. Which song do you present?Seb: Love me tender by Elvis Presley. Johanna: Who would you like to sit in the gondola with if the elevator breaks down for hours on end? (Laughs) With Jean-Claude Dus. He's a funny guy. Johanna: Who is that? A comedian?Seb: Just look at him! Johanna: What profession do you say when you check in at the hotel? Seb: I've never been asked this question in any hotel in the world. But I would write "skier". Johanna: You get a vacation for free. A boat trip to Spitsbergen, a desert crossing, a sailing trip in the Mediterranean. Your choice?Seb: Of course. I would pack up my three best friends and go sailing. You should know that we have a sailing boat together on Lake Geneva. Johanna: What costume would you choose for a masquerade costume party? Seb: I would dress up as a devil. Johanna: Which sportsperson would you like to meet in person? Seb: Lionel Messi. A meeting with him would be really cool. Johanna: Are you a good cook? Seb: Well. What I'm known for, though: My good Swiss cheese fondue.

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