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Net find of the week 04 KW 46 | Icy silence

The unexplained death of Duncan MacPherson

by Marius Schwager 11/16/2012
A snowboarder was thought to be missing for fourteen years. Before his disappearance, he went snowboarding on the Stubai Glacier. His body only turned up on July 18, 2003. The intensive melting of the glacier released the body. The cause of death is still being disputed – or conspicuously kept quiet. A book is intended to shed light on this unexplained death.

For fourteen years, a snowboarder was thought to be missing. Before his disappearance, he went snowboarding on the Stubai Glacier. His body only turned up on July 18, 2003. The intensive melting of the glacier released the body. The cause of death is still being disputed - or conspicuously kept quiet. A book aims to shed light on this unexplained death.

Conspiracy theories exist for the most abstruse stories. A recent article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ-Magazin) rolls up this case, which could initially be seen as a figment of the imagination. However, if you take a few minutes to look at the evidence gathered on a private initiative, you will be able to form a different opinion. The short version: A snowboarder falls for an unexplained reason at the edge of the piste or even on the piste in heavy fog. 14 years later, his body reappears on the surface of the melting glacier. The traces indicate that the snowboarder was run over by a piste roller and finally thrown into a crevasse. However, the public prosecutor's office and the coroner in Innsbruck have closed the case. Accommodation providers, the snowboard rental service and piste staff claim not to have discovered anything despite evidence to the contrary. They remain silent.

You can find out for yourself why they remain silent. You can read the full article in SZ-Magazin and get an idea of the book author's findings in this link.

To the book

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