First of all, we would like to thank you again for the really numerous and high-quality submissions, especially in the first two weeks! There were a lot of really strong pictures, but unfortunately, according to the rules, only five could make it into the final selection (of which one was not finally submitted - what a shame!). If you want to scroll through the photos again, just click here or search for #pgfotowettbewerb on Instagram.
Towards the end, the photo competition lost some of its momentum, but there were still some beautiful pictures. Of course, we hope you had as much fun as we did. Once again, we would also like to thank the main sponsor of the photo competition: Advenate has provided the majority of the prizes!
But now to the point
The editorial team has voted and chosen the winners from the finalists:
First place and thus the Surface IAS airbag backpack from Advenate goes to Fabian Schöneberger! His atmospheric picture not only shows great powder conditions but also plays with light and shadow and is beautifully composed. Congratulations and of course we hope that you will never need the backpack in an emergency!