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A portrait of freerider Pia Widmesser [Part II]

Short interview with Pia Widmesser | What does Pia do in summer?

by Johanna Stöckl 10/03/2012
What does Pia Widmesser actually do in summer? The all-round sportswoman is drawn to the mountains even without snow.

What does Pia Widmesser actually do in summer

The all-round sportswoman is drawn to the mountains even without snow. What does one of the world's best freeriders actually do in summer?
Pia: As I'm studying business administration with a focus on marketing in Rosenheim and writing my thesis on the market positioning of a medical training device, I'm often at my desk in summer. Nevertheless, I couldn't neglect training, of course. I went to the gym, but also regularly went into the mountains. On foot or by mountain bike. When I was lazy, I let myself be carried. Riding through the meadows on horseback gives me a sense of freedom and grounds me at the same time. Meaning: I've also been riding a lot. What about the element of water? Can you actually surf?
Pia: I must have tried several times, but somehow I failed miserably. In Bali, I was constantly afraid of being eaten by a shark. And in Costa Rica? I was afraid of crocodiles. What's more, I was practically only underwater during my first attempts. And if I did happen to be above water, I always kept my legs and arms on the board so that nothing would nibble at me from below. So, what can I say? Unfortunately, I'm not suitable for surfing.

Can you describe (your) perfect summer day?
Pia: There is no such thing as the ultimate summer day for me. I can find happiness on a mountain peak, alone or with friends, but also on the back of a horse. Being lazy and lying in the sun by the lake can also be totally fulfilling. However, the hours I spend outside with Jessy, a friend's dog, are particularly nice.

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