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PowderAlert 4 2020 /21 | Powder between the years in the southeast and west

It snows in areas with a base!

by Lars Oelmann 12/27/2020
It's snowing again! Ullr at least tries not to cause us any more frustration this year and gives us a second helping in the south. Treeskiing at last!

The oracle only saw the Nordstau from afar and unfortunately I'll only have to do fitness walking with skis in the Black Forest at the next dump. Or go sledging. But Ullr didn't come up with the pandemic and I'm happy for everyone who can ride, because a joy shared is a joy doubled. After all, we're not surfing!

At least it's now snowing again in regions where the foundations are at least a little higher and there's a thick base. That means you can get going even during the snowfall.

Alert period and areas

Ullr gives us a supply from the Lower Valais and France to the Maritime Alps and from the Upper Engadine to Slovenia. The core is clearly from Veneto in eastern Italy to Slovenia.

The alert will last until Tuesday evening (29.12.).


Varies and is sometimes stormy at different times in the west and east. But should also be enough for some sheltered pow further up in the traffic jam itself. The problem is that it fluctuates a lot and you might not be able to see any drifts. In the east, the snowfall is progressing quite well up to the main ridge, but not beyond.

Snowfall line

Cold for a southwest accumulation. Between 1000m and the very bottom. Very exciting this year, especially for the corner in the Italian/Slovenian border area and Carinthia, as it likes to rain higher there.

The amounts

In the west from the Lower Valais to the Maritime Alps 30-50cm in the French-Swiss border area and the Hautes Alpes, 70cm are also possible and there are also similar values from the Upper Engadine to Veneto. From Veneto/Dolomites eastwards 50-80cm and in the Kanin border area I can well imagine a meter or a little more.

Where should I go?

If you can cross borders, then to the south-east. Solid base, weak layers only far up and you can go straight into the trees. If you're in Austria, the same applies to Carinthia and East Tyrol. For the Swiss and French: Either go fishing for sharks in the west or take the cozy refresh in the Upper Engadine.

For everyone else, especially in the northeast, it's time to wait and watch as the Föhn storm consumes the last remnants of cosmetics.

There will be a brief lull on the 30th and after that it is still very uncertain whether something will blow in or whether it will remain cool and calm.


Good question.... many things are possible, but it will mostly look to the west or south again. A northerly storm is unlikely in the new year. After all, there are still hardly any dry and warm Sahara model runs.

Powder to the people!

Your oracle, who is secretly hoping against all reason for the worst low mountain winter of all time.

Snow depth prediction game

The pre-New Year's Eve prediction game will take place at the "Livinal Lunc 1837m" station from 27.12. to 29.12. 21:00: Write your tip by Monday, Dec. 28, 5:00pm either here as a comment, or in the forum at Tippspiel.


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