Hardness specifications
Penetrable with...
1: fist
2: four fingers
3: one finger
4: pencil
5: knife
6: ice, compact
1: dry - snow below 0°C
2: slightly moist - snow 0°C
3: moist - water detectable
4: wet - squeeze out water
5: very wet - water soaked
ECT - Extended Column Test
The ECT is the most widely used test and can be carried out quickly. It enables a good estimation of fracture initiation and fracture propagation (spreading) to a depth of approx. 1m. For this purpose, a 90 x 30 cm block of snow is shoveled free at the front and sides down to the ground. The rear side is cut off with a cord or "sliding block cord". It is best to watch the block while cutting! The shovel blade is then placed on the side edge and gradually loaded by tapping. Ideally, one person should carry out the test while another observes the block for possible fractures and their propagation.