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TouringTip | Chamonix-Zermatt

Regular route

by Anthony Bonello 12/02/2008
Haute Route - Regular Route...

Haute Route - Regular Route...




Chamonix Massif du Mont Blanc 1:25000 (3630 OT)


Arolla- Gd. Combin, Evolene, Matterhorn 1:50000 (283 S)


Day 1 – From the Grands Montets, ski down to the Glacier d Argentiere. Ascent to the Col du Chardonnet. Descent into basin and ascent to the North to Fenetre de Saleina. Cross glacier in N/W direction to Cabane du Trient to spend the night.


Day 2 – North of the hut, descent West from Col des Ecandies to the town of Champex. From Champex continue to Bourg St Pierre but Bus or Taxi. The bus runs in the morning and afternoon, but check at the Maison de la Montagne in Chamonix for schedules.


You may choose to spend the evening in either of these towns, add an extra day, or continue to the Cabane de Valsorey (GR871865) Arolla Map. This is quite a long day and covers a lot of ground and vertical. Finding the hut could be tricky in bad weather.


Day 3 – From the hut ascent to the Plateau du Couloir and contour across to Col du Sonadon (GR890864). Descent to the Galcier du M. Durand and continue down the South edge of the glacier. Cross a ridge (GR 943862) and ski down to the river junction. There are some nice pitches to ski down low so pick your line. From here ascent to the Cabane de Chanrion (GR955875).


Day 4 – From the hut ski North to the toe of the Glacier du Brenay. Here you have a number of options. You can continue up the glacier, negotiating the icefall South of La Serpentine. This is a long hike on the glacier that is further than it looks and the icefall may require crampons (we needed them). Continue above the Icefall to a col South of Pigne d’Arolla (GR013932). In good snow, the descent down to the Col de Chermotone will be one of the highlights of the trip. This slope, however, does get skied by heliski operations and can be skied out. You can descent part way down and cut across to find the hut, or continue to the col and ascent to Cabane des Vingettes (GR028932)


Another option is to traverse Les Portons. Ascent from the toe of the Galcier du Brenay to the col just North of Pte des Portons (GR994888). Descent to the West above large cliffs to the Glacier d’Otemma. Ascent the glacier to the Cabane des Vingettes. If Arolla has been skied lots this may be a better option giving you a more enjoyable ascent and descent.


Day 5 – Today is the final day and one of the finest days ski touring in the Alps. The final descent to Zermatt with the mighty Matterhorn as the backdrop is something you will never forget. From the hut descend to the large col, before ascending to the Col de l’Eveque (GR045896). Descent and cross the Haut Glacier d’Arolla the Col du Mont Brule (GR083904). Descent and contour the Haut Glacier de Tsa de Tsan to the Col de Valpelline (GR109927). Then the one you’ve been waiting for, descent the Stocki Glacier to Zermatt.


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