General information
Before we get to the gists of this beautiful and exquisite mountain, we need to establish the basic requirements for authorisation to climb it. How do you actually pronounce the valley, the "Val Müstair", correctly? The locals quickly clarified this over a beer at the bar in the evening and were able to explain it quite memorably. Val Müstair has the best eggs.... Any questions? (Probably only makes sense in German, but maybe not.)
So, now that the basics are clear, let's start the actual ski touring. Due to the poor snow conditions, I started from Valpaschun (1,770m). In normal snow conditions, you could actually start directly from Valchava (approx. 1,450m) and extend the tour a little.
In any case, you start directly at the hiking signs in the hamlet of Valpaschun. The first part of the tour heads northwards across moderately steep alpine meadows. Above Alp Sot, head north-east into the sparse forest towards Lai da Valpuschun (2,170m). You'll encounter all kinds of animals in the forest, but I didn't come across a bear. Once there, it's best to aim for point 2,326 first. However, leave this to the east and continue north towards point 2,573. Once there, head north-east to point 2,726. Shortly before reaching the point, turn north towards the summit, the large summit cross can already be seen (at least in good weather).