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videos of the week

Videos of the Week #1 2019/20 | Like Phoenix

The resurrection of the Videos of the Week

by Sebastian Müller 11/22/2019
Rising like a phoenix from the powder: your weekly delivery of ski porn and procrastination material - the Videos of the Week! After several years of hibernation, you will now be informed about the latest happenings in our powder world captured on film. Let me tell you, there's really something going on out there. Nevertheless, to mark the start of the season and after a long absence, the fresh films are complemented by a modern classic and a personal contribution. Let's go!

Better than Japan

Old Swede, what's going on in Sweden? With Kristoffer Turdell and a truly amazing amount of powdery snow!

Early Season Sölden & Whistler

I'm amazed - what is this? A Japanese guy with a drone in front of his nose, riding, dare I say it, powder, in Sölden on November 9th? Yes, the CRs had hinted at it!

And even in North America there is powder, ridden by Ski Sums without avalanche transceiver equipment, with a brilliant soundtrack:

Pre-Early Season Powder

The level is rising again: there's been a bit of powder even earlier in this young season and I give it top marks in the categories "Style" and cinematography as well as a "National Geography Wildlife Award" and a Grammy for the soundtrack!



And what does Candide Thovex actually do? In these times of climate change, he is looking for and finding new ways to ski and has completely abandoned snow for his new project. Will we all soon learn to ski on asphalt, sand or gravel? And why does the gentleman still have intervertebral discs and joints? I am confused:


The confusion dissolves and deep insight is granted here in a philosophical epic. Yesterday's spring snow, but the video is very fresh and highly successful! I award golden palms for the script and the nature shots:

Can you do a backy?

Furthermore, currently on TGR (Teton Gravity Research), "can you do a backy?"

If you like this, I also recommend this classic: Marc-Andre Belliveau in Anomaly (unfortunately cut too short)!

And last but not least

Another encore? Here's my little film from December 2017, which would certainly have made it into the Videos of the Week if it had existed back then!

In this sense: "Sometimes I make a fool of myself, but I hope I learn from my mistakes!"

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Show original (German)
