Chasing El Niño "California's Comeback"
Mr. Benchetler takes his ski, named after him, around his home. What a difference a little snow makes after 4 years of drought. #elnino
Young , female, naked looking
A Nakische, also called Nackerte, does backflip and very importantly, is female. Insert flat jokes here. #naked #boobs There are high-ranking ski publishers who screenshot exactly when their breasts are sticking up short and tight. Well, who can do that? #journalism
When 60 Inches of Fresh Powder Calls
No idea what this clip with Julian Carr is about, the title sounded promising! #busted
Hodlekve slushfest
Modern global warming skiing. In 2019 it's ski ballet time again #climatechange #skiballet
Hodlekve slushfest from Eirik Luks on Vimeo.
Chute en crevasse a ski et secours sur le glacier du Strahlhorn
This is roughly what skiing currently looks like on Austria's glaciers. With the difference that no one speaks French, and that the glaciers seem to be getting smaller at an ever-increasing rate. #hangout #crevasse #rescue
ARG, it's a home run.
Alas, you could also go skiing. #alaskaspines
ARG, it's a Home Run. from Tecnica Blizzard on Vimeo.
A Day Out - Gothenburg
Slowly getting ready for summer. #outdoorlife #livehealthy
A Day Out - Gothenburg from Norrona on Vimeo.