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videos of the week

Videos of the week #6 2024/25 | Happy New Year!

Feliz Año Nuevo from Chile

01/03/2025 by Hannes Hemper
Christmas and New Year are over - a wonderful time with family and friends is behind us, and there's still time for a few ski films in between. I hope most of you have had a good start into 2025 - on skis or boards - and feel like getting some inspiration for the coming week.

Video 1: Chile Today, Gone Tamale a film by Jake Price for K2 Skis featuring Sam Kuch, Addison Rafford, and Manon Loschi

"So sick, Sam!" - Manon.
In the summer, the three of them took a trip to the Andes. K2 has put together a top-class team here. Sam's trick in particular at a spot known from an old film by Gigi Rüf (at minute 7) simply leaves you speechless.

Video 2: "ENDELIG", Seiko Prospex Friend Challenge, Aymar Navarro, in Norway.

Aymar in Lyngen - a combination I definitely want to see more of! Fast, spectacular and typical Navarro. Now that he's left the Freeride World Tour, it's great to see him back in full action. And you can never admire the impressive Norwegian landscape enough.

Video 3: SIMMER | MANU BARNARD | 2024

Manu has taken our hearts in a blink. His park game is just as impressive as his lines in the backcountry. The Kiwi, who, like Ben Richards and Craig Murray, has ridden on the Freeride World Tour, is now devoting himself to his own projects. Particularly worth mentioning: Felix Raffaelli is behind the camera and does the editing - a real treat for the eyes.

Video 4: wave length - a lucas wachs movie on blackcrows skis

Lucas has made quite a name for himself in recent years. Most people should know him at the latest from Lost in Thought, produced by Level 1. Since last season, he has been riding for Black Crows and no longer for Lib Tech.

In his new project, he shows the impressive development of his style, which - in my personal opinion - has gained even more strength since his switch. From backcountry hits in Idaho to the crown jewel of skiing: Alaska.

There are a lot of Alaska segments in general this year, but Lucas' contribution definitely stands out and is absolutely worth watching.


Video 5: blitz! | The North Face by Spencer Schubert and Blake Paul

Blake should be familiar to every snowboarder. If not, be sure to check out his part Yesterday to get a feel for his unique style.

The North Face surprises this year with productions that are completely in the hands of the riders - more core snowboarding is hardly possible! From street spots in Sweden to backcountry adventures in the Andes, everything is included.

Video 6: Is This The Hardest Freeride Skiing Competition? von Alex Hackel

Alex presents the SBMC (Scandinavian Big Mountain Championships) - a freeride event that has been running for over 30 years. Over three days, the participants compete in mostly very icy conditions, and the best thing is: anyone can take part!

Both established riders such as Kristoffer Turdell and international participants such as Garret Capel from Canada will be competing. Who won in the end? It's best to find out for yourself!

Video 7: Carpathian Whiteout by Bartosz Baturo produced by Zaniemovie (Adam Łosiński)

Bartosz Baturo and his girlfriend Julia Frączek were travelling in Romania last winter. The two of them, friends of mine from Innsbruck, have produced a really nice, short ski film. It has everything your heart desires: tricks, lines and lots of humour.

Make sure you watch it - it's worth it!

Video 8: Schrank ogel by Fritz Krone

Speaking of local people from Innsbruck: Here's a "Dad Cam" style compilation of a tour up the Schrankogel in the north-east couloir.

Video 9: ICEDOUTMONALISA by Reid Ferguson

Reid, aka Reidmf, has released his magnum opus here as a Christmas present. New Zealand in the 2023 season with the most stylish park crew: Quinn Wolferman, Ferdinand Dahl, Cole Richardson and Joona Kangas. I don't think much more needs to be said.

Video 10: Surface Tension von Hank Stowers.

Hank, a queer skier, presents his third solo project here. With cinematic shots, resort laps and backcountry adventures, he once again tells a wonderful story.

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Show original (German)

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