As is so often the case, the warm front will bring precipitation, a rise in temperature and therefore some concern about the snow line. It will tend to be warmer in the west than in the east with rain up to around 1400m within the realms of possibility. Particularly in the inner Alps, the snow line may also be significantly lower in the west due to inversion: If the snow line is actually at 1400m, for example, but the inversion upper limit is also at around 1400m, it will sometimes snow all the way down a valley, while a few kilometers further on, where the inversion in the valley has already been cleared out by the front, it will rain up to high altitudes.
The snow from the aforementioned warm front will probably remain below alarm-worthy amounts. The main ridge in western Switzerland will probably get the most. On Friday, it will continue to snow lightly in the north and remain rather cloudy. The southern slopes of the Alps will be favored by the weather during this episode. The weather here will be comparatively bright on Thursday and Friday. Saturday still looks rather unsettled, but Sunday will be quite sunny from today's perspective.