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WeatherBlog 4 2017/18 | Don't change a running system

Haven't we already been through this?

by Lea Hartl 12/05/2017
A normal, cool autumn, a new cold snap at the weekend, a new Italian low. When it's on, it's on, thinks winter and relies on tried and tested weather patterns.

Current situation and outlook

The cyclonic north-westerly situation from the beginning of the weekend is history. A high pressure system is now paying us a brief visit and will bring some rather windy but very sunny weather today and tomorrow, at least in the mountains. The inversion will persist in the valleys and high fog is to be expected.

On Thursday, the flow will increasingly turn from northwest to southwest and in the typical foehn lines it will be - surprise - foehny. Mild air masses will reach us and the zero degree line will rise significantly for a short time. On Friday, the foehn front will be followed by the associated low with significant cooling and precipitation.

Not only have we seen cold air outbreaks of this kind in recent weeks, but we have also seen the marginal low in the northern Mediterranean forecast for the weekend. Depending on how things develop, the weekend will be exciting in terms of snow on both sides of the Alps. As usual, our colleague Orakel will report the details.

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Autumn review

The first of December also marked the start of winter from a meteorologist's perspective. Just in time for the statistical change of season, the weather services are now presenting their fall reviews.

The ZAMG reports that autumn 2017 was "one of the gloomiest in the last 20 years". In this case, cloudy means the duration of sunshine (i.e. hours of sunshine in relation to the maximum possible for the respective season). Autumn 2017 in Austria was 10% cloudier than the long-term average for the 1981-2010 reference period. In Switzerland, on the other hand, it was quite sunny, especially in the west of the country.

In the last 15 years, there have only been a few autumns that were cooler than autumn 2017. In Austria and Switzerland, autumn temperatures were almost exactly on average, while in Germany autumn was also close to the average at +0.7°C compared to 1981-2010.

In total, precipitation in Austria was slightly above average in the fall, although it was very dry in the south of the country. Autumn was also relatively wet in Germany, with the edge of the Alps in particular receiving some (only at high altitudes in the form of snow). In Switzerland, it was too dry overall, with slightly above-average precipitation levels on the central and eastern northern slopes of the Alps. Autumn was up to 50% too dry on the southern side of the Swiss Alps, in Valais and in western Switzerland.

And as far as the snow of recent weeks is concerned, this is also quite close to the climatological average in many places, although there are regional differences as to whether the amounts of snow are currently just above or below average.

So, all in all, statistically and emotionally: a pretty normal #powvember. After the last few years, that's definitely cause for celebration!

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