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PartnerNews | Engelberg - Freeride Symphony

News from the Freeride Eldorado

by PowderGuide 09/22/2023
Engelberg is a true paradise for winter sport and freeride enthusiasts. The region offers unrivalled opportunities for ski touring and freeriding. The Titlis massif is also very favourably situated for snow and receives fresh snow in both westerly and north-westerly accumulations. Engelberg's Big 5 off-piste runs are particularly well-known and have already been explained in more detail by Sebastian in the article Freeride Eldorado Engelberg-Titlis | PowderGuide, if you're curious.

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Engelberg, located in central Switzerland, is opening its doors to Winter Wonderland again in October. But that's not the only good news from Engelberg - we can also look forward to the freeride film FREERIDE SYMPHONIE from the Engelberg locals!

WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR - What are you looking for in winter? The viewer is being asked this question in the trailer. The boys and girls from Engelberg know how to answer this question. They are looking for the perfect moment, untracked slopes, challenging terrain, epic sunsets, in short, unforgettable moments in the mountains. They take us on an adventure around their local mountains. The trailer whets our appetite for more and we are excited to see what the 13 artists from Switzerland, Canada and Sweden have to show us. And if you're curious, you can look forward to even more: Swedish producer Anton Thorin will give us a few glimpses behind the scenes of freeride film-making in an interview.

If you want to watch the movie, you can do so at the premiere on 06.10.23 at 18:00 in the Engelberg cinema. Otherwise it will be shown again in Engelberg during the Freeride Film Festival on 11th of November, as well as at the International Freesport Festival. In Annecy, France, it will be shown at the High-Five Festival between 29.09-31.10. We will keep you up to date when and where it will be available online.

In short, Engelberg is a true winter paradise that will remain in your memory with unforgettable winter sports adventures. With its 2 kilometres of downhill runs, the exciting Big5 and many other off-piste runs in deep snow and its unbeatable snow reliability you will have a great time.

Before you head off-piste, you should always find out about the local conditions, the avalanche situation and potential dangers. Don't forget your safety equipment and have your beacon switched on! It is also strongly recommended that you have a professional with you for the challenging off-piste descents. The Snow and Safety Days are a good opportunity to gain more safety in the terrain and refresh your knowledge. Engelberg is home to excellent mountain guides who can provide you with the necessary know-how for off-piste skiing and also show you the way to lesser-known routes with untracked fresh snow slopes. The Engelberg Safety Guide also offers good support for tour planning.

If you want to try your luck in Engelberg, you can look forward to a little surprise: just in time for the start of the season, there will be a prize drawn with the chance to win 2 days and 2 nights for 2 people in Engelberg. Another reason to look forward to winter!

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