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Zach Paley's Norway Reports 2014

Blogs and reports by full-time skier Zach from the Lyngen Alps in Norway

by Zach Paley 03/28/2014
Just like last winter (2013), Zach Paley will once again be reporting on his tours and trips through the magical Lyngen Alps in Norway. Even though the conditions in late winter 2014 are significantly worse than a year ago (but which northern Alps skier needs to be told that?), Zach will once again inform the PowderGuide readership about his experiences and solo expeditions with his trip reports, which are well worth seeing and reading. We are already looking forward to it and hope that Zach's winter will continue...

As he did last winter (2013), Zach Paley once again reports on his tours and trips through the magical Lyngen Alps in Norway. Even though the conditions in late winter 2014 are significantly worse than a year ago (but which northern Alps skier needs to be told that?), Zach will once again inform the PowderGuide readership about his experiences and solo expeditions with his trip reports, which are well worth seeing and reading. We're already looking forward to it and hope that Zach's winter will continue...Getting Stuck in ... It seems winter was finally back in Lyngen. At least for a bit. As I write, it rains. But I'm at sea level, and it's supposed to be snowing in the alpine. Leftover whisky from Japan keeps spirits higher than hopes... or something like that. The latest cold snap brought some fresh snow, great views from Vonnoya, and plenty of cold temperatures. Wind and angry seas are the usual in March it seems, and they showed the groups no remorse: thrashing everyone and everything on land and water. Hot tubs, saunas, and carrying the occasional snowboard for a weary snowshoer kept the Vulkana groups moving. In Lyngen, the slim chance it would give us something, anything, kept feet moving on the skintrack. Though refusing to let it come easy this March, the dark horse has shown us the light at the end of the tunnel from time to time. It may be just to crush our hopes as it clamps shut harder than before just as things seem to go our way. The death grip of a bear trap refuses to let go. No matter. We'll take the risk and go for the bait. It makes success taste that much sweeter.

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