Last time, he made less effort than announced and the amounts turned out to be much more modest than predicted. The SLF and MeteoSwiss also fell for it and the oracle was in good company. It was still good, but surprisingly little. Again, the crystal balls corrected down a bit in the last few days, but have been consistent for a few runs. Hopefully Ullr will treat himself to a Fernet Branca before starting work, because they say he has magical powers and maybe the whole thing will once again exceed the forecasts.
Alert period and areas
Weekend-warrior-friendly from Thursday to Friday evening, so there should still be powder on Saturday.
You can then travel to the southern Alps from Ticino eastwards or to south-west France over the weekend. It is questionable whether the whole thing extends as far as Lower Valais.
The cores extend from Bergell to the Adamello region and in the south-east in the border triangle IT/Slo/Aut