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Gear of the Week | Forsake Clyde

Shoes that won't let you down in any situation

by Totti Lingott 03/13/2015
For a few years now, the young company Forsake has been producing very durable shoes for outdoor enthusiasts. My favorite model is the Forsake Clyde - if Clyde had worn a pair of these shoes with Bonnie back then, they probably wouldn't have been caught so quickly. Waterproof, durable, extremely trendy and most importantly: super comfortable. You can't break them even if you're on the run from cops for months! At least I think so ...

For a few years now, the young company Forsake has been producing very durable shoes for outdoor enthusiasts. My favorite model is the Forsake Clyde - if Clyde had worn a pair of these shoes with Bonnie back then, they probably wouldn't have been caught so quickly. Waterproof, durable, extremely trendy and most importantly: super comfortable. You can't break them even after months on the run from the cops! At least I think so ...

As with so many modern start-up success stories, it was two passionate people who really wanted to do things differently. Firstly, because they didn't have a proper job and were convinced that it would be successful. And secondly, because they had had enough bad experiences over the years. They had walked through the winter several thousand times in wet shoes and socks - from the dishwashing job to the chairlift and back. At some point, they got fed up and after a few Kickstarter rounds, they suddenly had the money to really give it a try. That worked out quite well and they are now also becoming better known on the European market.

The Forsake Clyde! Suitable for any winter use - and can also be used in spring.
The Forsake Clyde - suitable for all winter and many spring applications!

The Clyde is the all-round winter model from Forsake. It doesn't matter whether you're walking through ankle-high slush from the parking lot after a spring ski tour to get a well-deserved bike ride or whether you have to walk the last few hundred meters through knee-deep, perfect powder to the valley station in high winter because you've forgotten your chains again. The Clydes won't let you down! A profile like a proper mountain boot and yet an extremely trendy look. From the piste straight to the bar - that was the motto for the development of the Clydes. Trend with all the requirements of a mountain boot. Waterproofness was obligatory after the dishwashing experience and a breathable outer skin is standard nowadays anyway. Quite different from a mountaineering boot, however, there's also a level of comfort that shouldn't be sneezed at! I think I've already mentioned the look. But as we all know, that's a matter of taste...

With the warm days we've been having recently, I'm now faced with a problem. I suddenly have to think about which shoe to wear in the morning again and can't just slip into my pair of Clyde as I have been doing for the last four months. I opted for the simplest solution and ordered a pair of Forsake Banks. Who wants to deal with such complex issues in the morning?

Find out more about Clyde and Banks here...

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