My personal development in terms of midlayers ranges from Odlo longsleeves and classic fleece jackets to thin down jackets and thin, quilted merino jackets. This means that my history coincides in key respects with the general trend in the outdoor industry, which is increasingly focusing on natural products and ideally on recycled materials. The Helix Long Sleeve Zip from Icebreaker fulfills both criteria. The insulation is MerinoLoft made from merino wool, while the outer material is made from recycled polyester.
Regardless of these aspects, the jacket has probably become my most-used item of clothing over the past year, as it has earned top marks in various areas.
Firstly, its material mix (stretch at the sides and under the arms) ensures a good climate over a fairly wide temperature range. It warms where it should, while at the same time water vapor can easily escape from the body during increased activity. It is also much more wind-repellent than a normal fleece, but still allows sufficient air exchange thanks to the stretch materials. The reduced odor development thanks to merino wool is another add-on of this garment.