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Intermediate results of the 2017/2018 snow tip game

Who is leading? Who are the pursuers?

by Anselm Köhler 01/26/2018
This year's winter season is in full swing. PowderAlerts are rattling towards the Alps every 4 days. Not surprisingly, there are constant reports of "well above average snow depth", "very high avalanche danger" and 4-5 star condition reports. An interim result of the snow depth prediction game is needed!

For the lucky ones who live in high-altitude Alpine villages and towns, this year's prediction game could also be called "Schneehöhen-Schipp-Spiel". While last season's PowderAlerts averaged a little more than the PA limit of 30 cm, this season it's more like double that. And it's not just the amount of fresh snow that has doubled, but also the number of alerts: last year at this time there were just 7 tipping games, this year we're already at number 13.

The intermediate result is calculated in exactly the same way as the final result: the average odds from the best 5 tips count. You can find out exactly how this works here and in the summary from last year. Roughly speaking, there will certainly be at least another 10 prediction games, which is twice as many as are needed for the final quota. So it's still worth entering, especially in view of the season prizes from our partner company Mammut:

1) Prize: Mammut airbag backpack

2) Prize: Mammut LVS

3) Prize: Mammut shovel/probe set

So, now the actual purpose of the article: The first three places go to elfrido (7% deviation), skimale7892 (17% deviation) and magic spirit (20% deviation). A close chasing pack follows with deviations in the 20-30% range. There are still a few places to change before the end of the season!

You can find the complete interim results in the table on the left. Details of each tip in the table above. And on our own behalf: Please take a look at the detailed table and check that there have been no transposed numbers - please send any correction requests to

Not all of the day's winners have yet contacted us to exchange addresses - please also send this to the email address mentioned. Thank you!

Now turn back to Ullr and make offerings for a repeat of the snow-friendly weather conditions soon. For the far tips: Good luck and forecasting power.

This article has been automatically translated by DeepL with subsequent editing. If you notice any spelling or grammatical errors or if the translation has lost its meaning, please write an e-mail to the editors.

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