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On our own behalf | now also in English

How is our content translated

by PowderGuide 03/07/2024
This season is full of new features. At the beginning of the season, we went online with the new website; now, as already announced, we are also going online in two languages. From March 2024, will be available in English as well as German. This will enable us to expand our readership and accessibility and create inclusion of the non-German-speaking Alpine region. finally in English

We have had the vision of publishing our content in English for over a decade, but have not been able to realise it properly until now. Thanks to the relaunch, a completely new backend and the automatic translation tools, the quality of which has improved considerably in the meantime, it has finally been possible to realise this with considerable effort. In addition to the articles, all other pages are of course also translated and can therefore be read and used by all non-German-speaking users. can now be switched from German to English and back via the language selection button - the world symbol at the top right of the top menu. Since not all content will be translated for the time being (see next paragraph), a banner below the top menu will indicate when a page/article/etc. is also available in English (or vice versa in German).

We don't want to rule out that other languages will follow, but that will take at least another decade. The new multilingual functionality is another important step in the history of PowderGuide and enables us to reach a wider audience of interested Freeriders in Europe, but also globally.

Event calendar, weather forecasts, ConditionsReports, PG-shop

Of course, the event calendar and PG-ICON weather forecasts have also been translated and we can already announce this: In the near future, our map sections will be adapted to make them more interesting for international users. We don't want to reveal any more yet! The ConditionsReports will still be in German for the time being, but in the medium term they will be made automatically translated in a similar way to the comments (see below). In the long term, the corresponding apps for entering the CRs will also be available in English and we hope to receive regular reports from Scandinavia, the Balkans or the Pyrenees. The PG-shop has not yet been translated as it is still running on wordpress and will be adapted when we move it to our current system.

Magazine - step-by-step translation of all articles

At the moment we have translated the most recent articles from each of our categories, all future articles will be published directly in English from now on. In addition, older articles will be translated bit by bit. In this way, the English page will gradually fill up until all previous articles (currently over 3,100!) are also accessible. Under each article there is a statement about the automatic translation and a link that allows readers to view the original version in the original language. This function makes it easy to check the translation and offers additional transparency. If more original English-language articles appear in the future, we will do the same on the German page.

How we translate articles

The new website offers us a number of new features in the backend. One of these is automatic translation using DeepL, a widely recognised and advanced translation tool. The articles are first automatically translated into English and then edited again by our translators Jojo and Lily. This applies to all current articles and the most important or most recent existing articles.

The very old articles are only translated automatically due to the volume and the associated effort required for editing. However, if readers notice any discrepancies, we encourage you to contact us by email and share the relevant link to the article. This way you can help to ensure that the quality of the English articles reaches our usual level. The email link will appear under each article.

Comments in English and German

The comment function under the articles and CRs will be multilingual on the German site. On the English site, German comments are automatically translated using DeepL and can be returned to their original form with a simple click if required. Comments are not edited by us. English-language comments will be displayed in English on the German site for the time being, although we may extend the option to translate them into German.

Photo gallery

ℹ️ is nonprofit-making, so we are glad about any support. If you like to improve our DeepL translation backend, feel free to write an email to the editors with your suggestions for better understandings. Thanks a lot in advance!

Show original (German)

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