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PowderAlert 15/2014 | Südstau Ahoy!

And another round of fresh snow for the snowy Southern Alps

by Lars Oelmann 02/27/2014
After it has been rather quiet in the Alarmecke recently with several small snowfalls and steeper things to tackle in the touring terrain, the powder pirates are getting excited again, as there is südstau and new opportunities to have some lazy fun in the powder from the lift. Once again. In the north, we can probably kiss the season goodbye when we look at the forecast warmth for next week.

After it's been rather quiet in the Alarmecke recently with several small snowfalls and steeper things to tackle in the touring terrain, the powder pirates are getting excited again because there's südstau and new opportunities to have some lazy fun in the powder from the lift. Once again. In the north, we can probably kiss the season goodbye when we look at the forecast warmth for next week.

It's snowing all over the southern and southwestern Alps and the snow line shouldn't be a problem as it remains below 1000 meters. This alert takes care of Ullr's gifts until Sunday, what happens then is not yet clear. But it should warm up from Wednesday or Thursday. The visibility on Saturday will probably not tempt any powder pirates to cruise in foreign waters, because it will probably stay closed. On Sunday, however, you should get out the big powder guns, because depending on the area, you can shoot at a lot more than sparrows. The quantities: In southwest France it will probably only be around 10-20 cm, but beyond the main ridge in Piedmont, 20-40 cm can accumulate.

This will be followed by a hotspot from Monte Rosa to Ticino, where 25-50 cm of fresh snow should fall. Possibly even 10 cm more, but I don't think the 50 will be broken on a large scale. Then a zone with 20-30 cm will follow to about south of the Ortler group to the east. After that, the amounts will increase again and in the Dolomites etc. it could be 30-50 cm. Here too, 60 cm of fresh snow is the maximum possible accumulation. It should be mentioned that the accumulation is not brute force and may not even break through all the way to the main ridge, so this time there will be less than the usual half on the main ridge. In the north: as always, nothing. In the medium term, it may snow again on Monday or Tuesday, possibly also in the north, but we'll have to see. After that, Ullr's icy pirate kingdom is to be attacked by the Saharan air navy of his hothead Prince High Pressure II from Thursday, but let's hope the models defuse that. Powder to the People!Your Oracle

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